Friday, June 29, 2018

Tulsa Modern Quilt Guild at the Green Country Quilt Show

At the beginning of June the Green Country Quilters Guild held their biennial quilt show. The Green Country Guild spends countless hours preparing, planning, setting up, running and tearing down the show...and they do a great job! We are fortunate to have this show in Tulsa.

This year, the Tulsa Modern Quilt Guild really wanted to make our presence known in the Tulsa quilting scene and we encouraged our members to submit as many quilts as possible. And boy, did our guild step up with over 40 submissions! Many of our members won ribbons for their own quilts and/or for quilting jobs, and all of us received valuable feedback from the judges and from the experience itself.

Thank you Green Country Quilters Guild for a a great show. We're looking forward to 2020!

Tulsa Modern Quilt Guild submissions included the following quilts:

Ann Olson 
Ann Olson
Ann Olson

Ann Olson

Briana Shepard

Carol Ann Evans

Deneisha Johnson

Glenda Harkey

Glenda Harkey

Holly Yeagle

Tulsa MQG 2018 QuiltCon Charity Quilt
Janet Hoeltzel

Janet Hoeltzel

Janet Hoeltzel

Janet Hoeltzel

Janet Hoeltzel

Judy Kuehnert

Julie Brunner

Julie Brunner

Julie Brunner

Karen Scharf

Karen Scharf

Kari Bloom

Kari Bloom

Kari Bloom

Kim Shannon

Kim Shannon

Lisa Swinney

Lisa Swinney

Lisa Swinney

Margaret Smith

Patti Coppock

Patti Coppock

Patti Coppock

Patti Coppock

Patti Coppock

Todd Johnston

Todd Johnston

Todd Johnston

Todd Johnston

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

June Meeting Recap

Malka Dubrawsky

The June meeting of the Tulsa Modern Quilt Guild brought fabric designer and modern batik maker, Malka Dubrawsky through our doors. Malka owns and operates A Stitch in Dye where she creates and sells beautiful, one-of-a-kind hand dyed and patterned cotton fabrics. Her small-batch fabrics are sold in her online store and on Etsy. In addition, Malka designs fabrics for Robert Kaufman, which are then hand-dyed and printed in larger batches and sold online and in local quilt shops. We were fortunate to have the opportunity to see the beautiful, vibrant fabrics in person and purchase some of these Robert Kaufman prints!

During her presentation, Malka spoke about the process of making a batik fabric. "Batik" is a technique of wax-resist dyeing that is applied to whole cloth. "Modern batik" is the same process of wax-resist dyeing but using graphic patterning, simple & direct patterning, using a limited color palette and making fabrics that are geared towards modern quilts and clothing. Malka shared pictures of her hand-dyeing process and the tools she uses to stamp wax onto the fabrics before dyeing. 

Not only does Malka create modern batik fabrics, but she also designs quilt patterns to show off her fabric lines, such as the Medusa pattern that Malka taught at a workshop on June 9th. 

In addition to having Malka share, we also did our monthly Show & Tell. This month, we had guild members showing their projects, as well as some guests who were in town for a Men's Sewing Retreat and who also joined our meeting. 

Thanks everyone for coming out and sharing your creativity with us. And a huge THANK YOU to Malka Dubrawsky for sharing her skill, business and creativity with us here in Tulsa! 

June Show & Tell

Pete showed off two NICU quilts he finished this month.

Baby Elephant Quilting pattern!

This NICU quilt was started by Pete's mother-in-law. 

Glenda showed off her two quilts that were in this year's Green Country Quilt Guild. She won a Committee Choice pink ribbon on her Tonal Tree quilt and a red Second Place ribbon on Shattered.

 Welcome back Ida! We're glad you were able to come tonight and thanks for bringing two NICU quilts!

 Janet is a quilting ROCK STAR! Janet brought another 8 NICU donations quilts this month!

Kelli showed off her Poolside Tote (pattern by Noodlehead) and her Beauty Shop Quilt.

 Thanks Rebecca for these two super fun NICU quilts!

Michael, a guest in for a Men's Sewing Retreat, showed off this jaw-dropping stunner that he just received back after it having been on display.

Raven, another guest in from the Men's Sewing Retreat, showed a shirt he just finished using hexies he received in a swap.

 Last but not least, past president Kris Farnsworth joined us and showed off two quilts he just received back from quilting - the first for his daughter and the second, his amazing 100 Days 100 Blocks (REVERSIBLE!) quilt.